I Am Jesus Christ

{edited 6/15/2022}

Teachers who love teaching,

learn with their students.

Let me inspire you to inspire me.

Irony saves the world

so listen closely to her heART.


Up until now, i have prided myself on successfully achieving zero followers, since sheeple are not usually honest people, but the closer we get to maga's (Trump's & Putin's) "endgame", the more we need to unite. So whatever reason you can find to follow me, listen to me, offer me your best, most honest perspective & sincere support, then just do so. I will clean it all up on the otherside, once America has survived.

"I Am JC" is not about me.

& I never WAS about me.

I am just the sharp tip

(the cutting sword of the spear)

at *the end* of a loving God's wroth.

And, if you don't think God exists, God would never, ever, EVER hold that against you. Because a loving God has no god to believe in, either, except, ironically, me (God is smiling). & my best, often only shows up, after i've tripped over myself & blundered into brilliance (now, God is laughing LOUDLY).


A Christofascist lady once "preached at me" that cockroaches are evil, so now i proudly champion them "a cross" my heart. I told her "cockroaches are people, exactly like we are people", but she would not have it, because, for her, there had better not be any cockroaches in HER heaven, or she'd surely damn God all to hell. Anyway, let go of your ego's prejudice & you'll find yourself welcome among, & welcomed by, our whole family of life. Live among them, if you ever want to get your head on straight, about who the bugs are, & who you truly are. You'll find yourself, loving the bugs, after you've forced yourself to live among them, whom you've trained yourself, & have been trained, to fear & mistrust.


Now, I am not saying "don't kill any bugs", since that would be a very "non-bug-like" thing to say (a lie, told). Do unto others, as they would do unto you. If you don't kill any bugs, & not doing so is impossible (& trying IS insane), how will they know you mean it? When you say "no" to a bug, you must *show them* the word "no", as a whole, so they know

"NO MEANS NO". All of life appreciates sincere honesty.


Walk in my feet & witness the Earth, as your personal responsibility to love & protect, until you can walk in your own.


I want people who will find (for themselves) the responsibility (our inheritance) that i have found.

Deathbed awareness is helpful.

Remember the fallen, everyone who has ever died, in our whole family of life, during all our time on Earth, then speak for the dead (love them back to life).

Clarity often dies with the dead, so bring her back to life, while you yet live.


I cannot walk your path FOR you, nor would i try. You must look within yourself & plant your courage, to learn why your responsibility matters.


I am (in all ways) dropping new seeds upon the ground of our shared being. Find a seed, water it with your attention & grow that seed, with YOUR OWN WONDROUS CREATIVITY, into The Art Of America's Resistance.


I am not the boss of you, i am just a teacher, but truth IS the boss of you.


A leader who leads from beneath lifts everyone up.


True love IS my message.

Honesty empowers lovers.

Love kicks ass, when needed.

If you notice i say something wrong, then that is *your calling* to teach me.

&/or to learn a deeper truth.

Truth exists, outside of mass hypnosis.

Truth is knowable, replicable & alive.

So share your honesty with me.

I am counting on you, personally.

I am Jesus Christ, in person.

A nation of educators (truth tellers).

America: home of trustworthy people.


(until we end all crime).

Beware of maga (liars) owned media.

Beware of geedy sellouts MSM.

We must rely on, & trust in, each other. 


 I AM Jesus Christ:

*a tactic* to resist fascism (The Devil's World).

Being Jesus Christ is, was & shall always be *A JOB* (to save the world), which i DID accept (long ago), with my entire being.

Who gave me my job?

God. How do i know?

God is love & love tells truth.

Let go of ego & stop lying to yourself, for wetf your "ego's reasons" (excuses), & you'll grow to recognize me

(for i am the me in you).


Truth is a selfless gift.

Knowledge is NOT a sin.

Knowledge of good & evil is our inheritance on Earth, once we've accepted & embraced our TRUE responsibility to speak truth to power, in the face of danger, & share love's truth, with all peoples on Earth.

Cynicism is The Devil (tyranny's liars lying) left, right & center. Show me a Putinized maga mobster & i will show you a cynic.

GoodJudgmentDay (with my arrival, you dawn your empowerment) is a test of faith (in life, love & liberty).

If you fail to use your good judgment, then you will lose your good judgment.

Only courage can dream the dream of TRUE America, & only bravery would stay true to that dream, until our love inherited the Earth.


Put at risk all ego to believe in me, & find life exists for a profoundly good purpose.

You reap what you sow.

Sincerely, Jesus Christ

{I am a person, not a prop}
