God Damn The Bible

(& all who believe in it)!

May you burn in the hell of your own EVIL, Satan worshiping, hypocrisy.


TheBible's GOD DAMNED tyranny

is all about surrendering us to TheDevil.


I AM Jesus Christ, & even though i DO believe in myself, i am not a GOD DAMNED Christian, so neither are you.


The Bible IS the sin!

Faith given to golden bibles is worship of manmade false idols.


Stop worshiping this manmade thing & you'll stop sinning, which is believing God's creation is "The Devil's world".


We the meek shall inherit the Earth

(& if you are not angry enough yet, for that, i swear to God: "you will be"!).


The Bible teaches blasphemy.


God's gift of knowledge is not a sin.


God is simply TRUTH

(let go of TheDevil's details).


Have faith in facts.

God's creation IS nature.

& if you don't like God's creation, if you think it's too dirty for your "oh so holier than thou" greedy evil self, then GO TO FUCKING HELL (where your soul is)!


I am America's & God's answer to AntiChristTrump & IT's evil legion of maga-crazed demon spawn, criminals, misers, slavers, devil worshipers & RW Christofacscist AntiCHRISTians.


I am on point, made sharp enough to cut THE BEAST from the hearts of all humankind. As you, too, will sharpen, when you get behind me & push me into THE DEVIL'S HEART of this lying beast.


Life does not WANT to go extinct.

So life always finds a way.

If you have the back of life itself, life itself will have your back, & grow you equal to the task, of saving life of life itself, from extinction.



If you cannot hate evil, then you do not yet know love. So, I will teach thee.

Only love's conscience

can carry wroth's fire.


A loving God never needed a book.

Lying humans needed a book to LITERALLY take possession of God,

exactly like demons would (try).


God is love. Love tells truth.

Truth is a naturally selfless gift

(no threats nor temptations attached).

You are NOT evil.

Self esteem is NOT a sin.

& neither is knowledge, a sin.


TheDevil (tyranny's liars lying & bedeviling) wrote TheBible to make people terrified of hell, greedy to get into heaven & convinced they are evil from birth, & so, unable to say no to tyranny's evil criminals, for feeling undeserving of a loving God's creation: a beautiful gift of a world of life, which the far right Christofascist Satan worshiping Nazis, in their useful usable insanity, believe must be destroyed.


TheBible is tactical mass hypnosis, used TO STEAL the freewill of WE THE MEEK (honest, courageous, trustworthy, cooperative & true) to turn we the people into sheeple: cowards, willingly poisoned with toxic shame.

TheBible induces TheDevil's trance (a world of lies / TheDevil's world), which only FEELS GOOD, until you snap out of IT & realize YOU'VE BECOME THE EVIL.

AntiChristTrump slithers to charm you & champion the evil inside of you.

THE SNAKE that summons MAGA CULTivates TheReptileBrain back into power.

Christofascist AntiCHRISTians worship THE DEVIL

("Put-in" evil, in charge).

There is no love, nor any sane purpose, in burning people in hell, especially never in doing that FOREVER!

So there is NO TRUTH (God) in their False Gospel Preachers (liars) lies.

When Christians tell you "they're evil", omg, believe them (they are compromised).

So don't trust one more word they say.

And never let them "wash away their sins" (which they DO to feel safe committing crimes against you, again & again) in the blood of the lamb (a mockery of me).

I am NOT, nor was i ever, a lamb, intended to be *an example* for we the responsible people TO ACCEPT BEING SLAUGHTERED. I am an educator, STILL resisting tyranny, which means i am THE most dangerous human being who has ever walked the surface of the Earth. What makes me so dangerous? Knowing my TRUE responsibility (inheritance), which A LOVING GOD GAVE ME, to protect the meek & the weak from being expoited, enslaved, victimized, bullied, tortured or manipulated into driving all life on Earth extinct.

Your gov ID does not define you.


No more useful usable fools, we.

Wroth up, America!

Love's wondrous garden (a world of good judgment & joyful responsibility), awaits thee. Knowledge of good & evil is NOT A SIN, but a loving God's gift.