A leader who leads from beneath lifts everyone up.

If you consider yourself an American, then let go of all ego & *get the point* of me.

I am the tip of the spear.

I teach what America means.

The soul of America is in our shared love for human rights.

A country made by, for & of the people must accept THAT responsibility walks (alive & breathing) in each of us.

Your vote is NOT your voice.

Your voice is your voice.

Free speech is about using The First Amendment correctly (to honestly speak truth to power, outside chain of command). Our police & military have no such right. If they speak out, they get fired, & they have bills to pay. They cannot stand in OUR PLACE & do our jobs FOR us. We must march & use our free speech. No violence is needed to win this war, which maga are waging on we the people, here on our shore. If we fail to use our 1st Amendment, we will be forced to rely on our 2nd. &

Civil war will ignite ww3, as Trump's & Putin's promise of "American Carnage" brings literal "Death to America".

Maga means liars, terrorized, tempted & charmed by the snake, for


Corruption gives these 666 criminals a thrill, until GoodJudgmentDay dawns.