Climate Change Activists:

Mostly, I loved of your message. The only part i did not like is what incites violence against you. You've allowed the right wing fascist capitalists (slavers) to label you, which has painted a target on your backs, which you did (yourselves) just to spite them, which is also enabling them to feel righteous in trying to hurt you. You are NOT socialists, communists or comrades or anything else maga's evil intent tries to label you to be, like they & others have manipulated you into labeling yourselves to be, you are honest (truth telling) Americans. Don't give maga their IMAGINARY HONORS of fighting "communist socialist enemies". All it does is summon up maga's demonic terrorists, which will get tons of people murdered.

Please, I beg you to listen.

The true dream of America is NOT about getting rich, becoming a slaver & then enslaving other people (slaves) to do all of your work for you, so you can become a nightmarishly wealthy dictator (a king in your own castle). The true dream of America is defined by our shared love for human rights.

Currently, America is not the land of the free, home of the brave, but the land of 10 million rulers & the home of the best kept slaves on the planet. Americans must wake up & save her from this disgrace on America's face.


America is A MELTING POT of Multiple Personality Disorder. & we have yet to settle on the one (me) that defines us.


America means anti-fascism. America is about protecting our home (made by, for & of the people), wherein we celebrate our shared love for human rights & protect the weak & the meek from being exploited, enslaved, victimized, bullied or conquered. Period. In we the people's awakened responsibility grows the garden of all our dreams.


If you listen, you'll grow less & less afraid & more & more American.


Maga wave our flag in our faces & call themselves patriots, but the way to defeat their blatent hypocrisy is not by inventing an opposite to America or by bringing back some "great again" old "ism". We need no more "isms". We need to grow up, be who we dream & TEACH THE TRUE MEANING OF America, removing the poisonous lies from the foul mouths of maga's treasonously slithering snakes.


Climate Change & gun control comes ONLY with our voter rights. So i hope you will take my words to heart & let me know what you think. Because socialism (wetf that is) will only achieve putting targets on all of the people we love (the only people who know love). Also, love kicks ass. I know why people want to think it does not, but it does. When love realizes love must defend those who cannot defend themselves, especially against this coup of psychotic criminal minded bullies, love screams bloody murder & promises mutual assured destruction (at least) to any & all wouldbe enemy (attackers). Love is not safe. Love is not passive. Love joyfully kicks the devil in the balls all day, without missing stride. Saying NO to bullies is not bullying. It's called being an American (a protector of the meek, the weak & life itself).


Please rethink your messaging.

Maga fascist aholes do not deserve to call themselves anything but disgrace ridden criminal minded Nazis.

Other than that, i LOVE your protest. Your creativity is wondrously fresh!

