The "god" of Atheism is Cynicism.


When the Left are willing to admit to our lies, we'll be able to deprogram Cult45.


The Right lie tactically (knowingly), while attacking the Left, who lie unconsciously (oblivious, we are causing the attack, which means we can stop it).


Listen, & wake up.

Dear Atheists & everyone:

If you think ANYONE "religious" NEEDS TO BELIEVE IN an evil, tyrannical, tantrum throwing, spoiled brat #DicktaterTOT up in the sky, then you live in a reality-denying cult.


Every BAD GOD will kill us all, whether we believe it exists, or not.


If we Americans do not march, as a nation of first responding educators, to MAGA's nationwide Nazi fire of christofascism, ignited by ignorance & kept burning with tactical lies, our children will one day curse our names.


Irony never stops saving the world, provided we listen. So help me save us all, with wonderful, God blessed, irony. We need to defend a loving God from the LYING Christofascist AntiCHRISTian false gospel preachers, who seriously worship TheDevil.


If it walks like The Devil, lies like The Devil, uses trickledown terrorism & offers bribes of temptation like The Devil, if it exalts in cheating, betrayal, violence & brutality, like The Devil, then, yes, MAGA WORDHIP SATAN.


Atheists: Until you face "ego creates religions", you'll never admit you're in a cult, which means you'll also never solve "The Religion Proplem": competing "words of God" (tactical lies), ever leading humankind to extinction.


Cynicism is TheDevil, soul sucking liars, bedeviling & lying for tyranny.

What if the universe IS friendly?


Why do you have little hope, Atheists? Why are you all so useful MAGA-usably depressed? Because you already think you know it all (that life is selfish & humankind is doomed to be evil).


If you think life sucks, then you're right.

If you think life is meaningless, then that is what YOU have done to life 

(& everyone evil thanks you for IT).


You reap what you sow.

You are what you eat.

You become what you do.

You conclude what you expect.

You fulfill your own prophesy.

The Devil is in the details, convincing you to give up & surrender all hope.


I understand the meaning of the word "atheism", but the meaning of any word is irrelevant, when it comes to identifying cult behavior. What atheists do is like worshiping a penny, & then scoffing away all critizism by telling everyone "but it's just a penny". 

What matters is, you are using the definition that word, like a mask, to hide a VERY DANGEROUS religion.


At first glance, Atheism does not seem like much of a religion, but if you look deeper, Atheism has a god. And the god of Atheism is Cynicism (fascist capitalism's evil twin; the vulture of all hopelessness). Show me a mobster, a tyrant, a criminal &/or a slaver, & you've shown me a cynic, who believes in nothing, will do anything to "win", thinks fascism is "natural" & will normalize & monetize any opportunity for corruption. They try to pass themselves off as moral, by moralizing about the "functionality of morality", scoffing off morals, as just "recommendations for the peoples of conquered civilizations", as these conquerors (i call The Ranchers Of Human Livestock) compete for dominance, as the only actual people on Earth. Atheists avoid truth,

like Christofascists avoid truth.


Because what SPEFICALLY do you add to your every experiment, scientists?

You don't mean to & you try not to, but you always add YOU (& all your dumbass baggage) to everything you do.


(to lie & turn a blind eye to your own lies).

Maybe not during the scientific process, but always in & around the sales pitch.


Cynicism is a self-fulfulling prophesy. It's a conspiracy, you hold against yourself. You are never seperate from your experiment, & you lie to everyone, when you claim you are (not invested in the outcome). I should blame scientists for all the weapons of mass destruction, almost entirely in the hands of fascists, but necessity can forgive SOME of that. What i blame scientists for, mostly, is lying to everyone about religion.


If you doubt "the religion problem", if not solved, will set our atmosphere ablaze with nukes, then Cynicism, your stupid lying dumbass god, has tricked you into insanity. Because the Christofascists plan to gamble a spin of Earth's end, going "all in" (taking us with them) on their "gambler's hope" that destroying Earth will bring them their "wheel of fortune" reward world of magical salvation. The Religion Problem is an extinction level event, most dire, since IT will enable all extinction level events to achieve Christofascism's most prayed for aim:

the end of the world.




(worshiping TheDevil's bribes $$$)!


Learning & teaching truth.



A student of honesty; an explorer, discoving the truth; a reporter & recorder of facts, whose objectivity refuses to get lost in the ego details; a subjective witness to the objective reality, in search of understanding to share, for us all.


About WHAT & WHY do Atheists lie?

Greed, fear, religion, religious people, politics, position, power, privilege, consciousness, America, civilization, life, the universe, everything &
to compete as capitalists (liars, for hire), but worst of all, Atheists lie about MOTHER NATURE (the essence of who we humans truly are), as
 their cynicism (The Devil on the left) excuses IT.


Christofascist antiCHRISTians worship "a god" that tortures people in hell FOREVER,

which is THE MOST EVIL behavior humankind has ever conceived.

We are what we eat, we become what we do & grow the way of our beliefs.
If you follow a beyond psychotic god (lets call IT, Satan), then you will become like that psychopath (bottomless pit level satanic).
Christians are SO lost in TheDevil's trance, they cannot see the evil trees they worship,
for the forest of their evil desires: to live above others, as "holier than thou" god anointed angels, watching, as THEIR vengeance is brought down
 upon "a wicked world" by a raging man baby in the sky.
 Had scientists not soldout to cynicism (liars & lies), science would've solved "the religion problem", long ago. Telling "little lies" is how scientists betrayed themselves, science & all life on Earth. As a community, scientists assumed life was evil (adding their lazy stupid "we're just selfish" selves to the experiment, they derailed themselves from even being able to objectively witness), so they felt safely justified in enabling little lies for politics, greed, position & power (because, who cares?), in this, what they WRONGLY assumed to be, was just a meaningless unconscious world, completely oblivious of them & their crimes.


Now, I might not yet be saying this in the way you need to hear, so you need to find your own right words & speak them to yourself. Because you know, & i know you know, cynicism is a religion, excusing every atrocity, now occuring on Earth. YOU (scientists) allowed a lying serpent to corrupt your minds.

Truth is a wondrous LIFEFORM.

Consciousness is no accident.

Consciousness is the point.

 Any truly honest scientist could have accomplished what I AM about to do:


Lying is a sin against science (to atual scientists), since honesty DOES matter.


Preachers, politicians & greedy "scientists" are all sales people

& all sales people are liars.


Maga's lies (the lies of known liars) have a significant propaganda impact, but it's not nearly as profound, as when "Scientists" (supposed "truth tellers") lie.



Will they put their donations (& authority status) at risk to admit it?

Not likely (unless they hear me).

Neither would maga.

Sellouts rarely do.


If you have bills to pay,

then you likely have lies to sell.


I am not being MEAN to Atheists by calling their cult a religion (a very slippery one that redefines itself), nor i being MEAN to Christofascist AntiCHRISTians, when i tell them they absolutely worship TheDevil.

If you believed you needed to (maybe you thought god or science wanted you to) stand on the edge of a cliff, which you could not see & did not know was there, an enabler of fascism might smile at you & nod proudly at your right to stand there, unknowing of your danger, while a full (snake blown) fascist might stare at you, hoping to see you fall to your death, however, i would simply just tell you about the cliff.

Because life is too short.


Spoiler: If you are the cause of fascism, then you have the power to change it.


Love, in truth, sets everyone free.